Monday, March 16, 2009

Mental illness medication

Tags: mental illness medication

The bipolar classifications in this post are loosely paraphrased from the DSM-IV-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition published by the American Psychiatric Association, research by the National Institute of Mental Health, and interviews with leading bipolar experts. ...

Book Review: The UltraMind Solution

One of my guiding principles has always been: Never read a book that has the word “ultra” in the title. However, interesting perspectives on diet & health intrigue me, & when I saw endorsements from such respected doctors as Dean Ornish, Christiane Northrup & Mehmet Oz, I dec...

Read the full post from Light Along the Journey

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via Blogdigger blog search for mental illness medication.

Your Child Can Participate in Research! (Orangeburg, NY)

The Nathan Kline Institute in Orangeburg, NY is seeking children/adolescents (6-17 years old) to participate in research studies. We are seeking kids both with and without a history of mental illness. There are many different types of studies they may be eligible for, which may include memory testin...

Read the full post from craigslist | volunteers in new york city

via Blogdigger blog search for mental illness medication.

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mental illness medication


1 comment:

  1. hello my brother suffers of mental illness and I want to buy his medicament in Online Pharmacy which is the best pharmacy?
